what is Birankai

Birankai is the school or organization that brings together all of T. K. Chiba’s students under one roof.

As his students are spread across the globe, he has long had the desire to create an international vessel to support collective practice and the high quality standards of his teachers.

After two years of careful consideration, Sensei chose the name Birankai and founded Birankai International in 2001 during an Aikido course in Labaroche (France).

Biran is a Buddhist term for a cosmic storm that occurs when a cosmic order changes. It is a healing force that manifests spontaneously to create order. This storm can be strong and destructive, and at the same time healing through cleansing and purification. Kai is a term for school.

Birankai International is divided into Birankai Europe, Birankai Britain and Birankai North America. The names come from an organizational rather than a geographical point of view. Birankai is fully recognized by the Hombu Dojo (Aikido World Headquarter Foundation) in Tokyo.

T. K. Chiba Sensei’s vision of a school includes the direct passing on of knowledge from teacher to student. This requires a deep and honest relationship and trust between the two. Only through this connection and the necessary respect for one another is it possible to expand one’s own boundaries.

This shows why ensuring a high-quality teaching staff is a primary goal of Birankai. The Shihankai was created for this purpose. Shihan is translated as teacher of teachers. The association of all Shihans is therefore given responsibility for the training of the Shidoins (teachers).

The Aikido that T. K. Chiba Sensei wants to teach in Birankai is based on 5 attributes:
being centered, being connected, being holistic, being open and being alive.
